30 August 2010

Blackburn Away

I really don't know what's going on here anymore. I am totally underwhelmed at the prospect of the new season. I mean, yes it's here already. Yes, I've watched a few games. Yes, I have even jotted a few words in this space about it. However, it is a very strange feeling to it.

My hope is to have my finger on it some time in the near future because I don't like this strange unfeeling that I have going on right now. It is as if my football soul has taken a vacation, or worst has died.

I try and pick the specific date, maybe when France imploded, a little piece of LeChat also went on strike. I would have at least gotten a 4 game international ban. I am sure of that.

My rugby supporting cousin told me one time after he came back from basic training, "I think you would have hit the drill sergeant or at least let him know how you felt more than once. I don't think you would have made it out of basic without being recycled a few times."

I may be paraphrasing, as he did say it over a decade ago now, but I guess that about sums it up, so to speak.

This weekend, being only Saturday for me, saw the usual amount of revelry. I'mOnTV-gooner and Slainte Chef had a slab of breakfast food prepared, and by slab I mean a large 2 foot by 2 foot wooden board of food; which was a nice treat. I didn't ask questions about it. Someone called my name, I walked over, gave my blessing over the food, then we all dug in.

After the Arsenal had done what they were paid to do, a bunch of us hung around for the Chelski match. Like I said, nothing special happened. I guess I should say LilnotsoblondieGooner's dad was there. He had come up to hang out with the crew for a bit.

Honestly, I wish there was something spectacular or interesting to convey but really there wasn't. It was a normal-ish weekend. We were graced by the presence of DCManc and all her radiant beauty. It's always a bit of nice surprise when she makes it up. She was trying to convince me I should get on Twitter but I don't think it's a good forum for myself. I may be a bit too wordy at times or vague at others.

There was a singing out for lilnotsoblondiegooner, as she will be leaving us for the west coast in few weeks. It really says something when various affiliated supporters can get together and wish each other well. There's a certain, and I hate to say it, family feel to the whole pub culture that we've lent ourselves to.

Which reminds me of the conversations I have been having with a few of you lately. I love the feedback. Seriously though, feel free to post in the comments, whatever is appropriate. I do check every so often and will respond. I know that some prefer to blow up my FB page (is that what the kids say now-a-days) but there are those who do read who may not have access to my FB, please think of them as well.

Actually my blogger stats tell me there are quite a few hits that I know aren't bots. On that note as well, feel free to share. I am the worst self promoter in the world. Hopefully with the international lull, I'll be able to hit my normal scathing and acerbic style and give you a bit more to think about.


24 August 2010

Blackpool at Home

Ah my trickery has succeeded. It was my plan all along to write on Tuesday. It was, I assure you. This weekend provided not much in the way of excitement or joviality at all. I can say it was pretty boring, in a nut shell.

It's common to assume that a win with such a big scoreline would have oneself much overjoyed but due to the lack of real teeth in the attack and a lackluster showing in the middle and back, it wasn't.


The pub was actually quite full. There seem to be a lot more Arsenal showing up. Several faces that I have never spied before. This is definitely a good thing. They all seemed to enjoy the atmosphere from the usual suspects.

I, myself, had been in a rather quiet mode. I had things to do, places to be in the afternoon and decided it would best be to save my energy. However, it was also the last weekend for Bayern to be in town before heading to Afghanistan.

Maybe this is why there was a sort of solemn like atmosphere, even in celebration. Or the simple fact that we were running roughshod over Blackpool, who if they were a better quality team, may have given the Arsenal some trouble.

I guess the only thing that gave any real pleasantry was a small clop of Scum supporters had wallowed their way in. With out much haste, they were all seen to the second floor. Funny thing that, they seem to be multiplying like the ManShitty whorde.

I stuck around a bit for the Chelski game, just to see, or hope for a minor upset. However, we know how that ended up. Bayern had left right before kickoff and the pub faithful in attendance sung him out. It was a touching moment, but since he made mention of tearing up on FB, he's officially a poof!

I do hope he does alright and makes it back in one piece. There seem to be a lot more than usual dropping off lately.

After the half of the Chelski game, I was well tired. It was quite a bore to be honest, or I have given up on football. That I seriously doubt. I think I left around 4-nil, at that point, there is none.

I celebrated the evening with the family, being my mother's 76th and all that. It was quite nice, sitting around, making fun of everyone and just doing nothing.


If I said I was hungover, that would be a plain lie. My cousins decided that Saturday evening would be best spent on the back porch with a bottle of 100 proof rum. I chose not to imbibe, as I was still a bit done in from the pub earlier that day.

I just hung around in my room, peeking at the MancScum score, but not really caring. I had an itch to go the pub but decided against it. I tend to spend too much money and not have much recollection of the entire process. The weekend tends to fly by, way too fast.

I decided to curl up with my laptop and watch American History X. Well I watched half of it before going to band practice. I swear I hadn't had so much anger in my mind in a very long time.

At one point, I remember sitting in a chair talking to ScouseDrummer and going in a full tilt rant about how screwed up things are with the whole political climate in the United States. How the same anti-immigrant rant done by Ed Norton in American History X was the exact same one I heard from some fat sweaty politico on the news, and the fact that racist drek is fully accepted now.

I know, preaching to the choir.


All be it an over-exhilarating day at the work place; Understaffed, OVER busy followed by computers crashing right after lunch. GrumpyGooner gives me a call and for some reason I answer it. Well it is quite odd for him to call me during the middle of the workday and figuring that nothing else bad could happen. So, I answer.

Bad Manners were playing an underground show at an undisclosed warehouse. He made it clear that it would be in my best interest to show up. I usually take him at his word.

After I got off work, I gave ScouseDrummer a call, he'd heard about it from another source and we were both trying to figure out whether we were heading down. He hadn't seen the result of the Liverpool match and I was biting my tongue not to let it blurt out.

I got to the space a bit early, so drove around the corner for a pint. By the time I came back, there were quite a few more cars outside. Walking in I was greeted by GrumpyGooner and ChelskiJohn.

ScouseDrummer had been milling about with some of the other skins and I caught up with him for a bit. It was a pretty good crowd. In the corner, on a set of couches, was NorthLondonYid and crew. He came over and we talked a bit about the Bale goal and games this upcoming week.

He went on about the Young Boys pitch being a bit dodgy and that half the squad had succumb to injuries because of it. I made mention that it must be something in the water or air or something to that effect, as the Arsenal is well aware of playing with half the starting XI out due to injury.

The show was pretty good, even though Bad Manners took their time getting on the stage to play. Scotch Bonnets, the only other band to play, had been done their set about 2 hours prior. GrumpyGooner finally went over and whispered something into someone's ear and they were up on stage... Nice one.

So that is what happened to not publishing on Monday. If anyone really cared. And for my finalé, some old school Bad Manners.


16 August 2010

Liverpool Away

YES! It has finally arrived. Opening weekend of the EPL season. So enough with the frivolity, let's get down to business, shall we?


It was a really non-plus type of night. I headed home after a long day of work, sat down in front of the computer and zoned out into my own megalomaniac session of Tropico. For some reason I am finding this game to be very addicting. I think it's the fact that I can have people assassinated at my whim. As you can see, I live an exciting life.


Bright and early sunshine. I headed my way down to the pub for the breakfast and to watch Shitty and Scum take on each other. I didn't really care who won but I will admit the atmosphere was sorely lacking and for one semi-annoying reason. MANCITY himself was not there.

I will take a minute to congratulate him for his nuptials and hope he had a wonderful time on his honeymoon.

The ManCity gremlin horde was out in force, which is a good thing, mind you they don't have the presence of ManCity Himself though.

After a bit, I decide to wander up to meet some of the Chelski lads with T-Bone at the dollar store. We took a few shots and then I remembered I left my drink with A Certain Scouser and headed back to the pub. Things have a tendency to disappear around that girl.

Drink intact, I found a standing room spot and watched the obliteration of that fine West Brom team by the Chelski. It's a bit of a shame though, when you think about it. They shouldn't have been outclassed as such.

The Chelski lads were of course in full chorus. I reminded them repeatedly that you just beat West Brom on the first day of the league... is it really appropriate? They didn't seem to care. My only hope is that Blackpool or Newcastle stick it to them. Now that would be a good day.

I spent the rest of the evening in bed. I can't even recall how that happened. I got home, passed out, woke up for about an hour and then just slept. I think I got a good 12 hours... very nice.


People keep saying this thing about Christmas day. You know I'd been terrorizing the cyber-world with videos of Michael Thomas and the end bit to Fever Pitch (the proper one), for the whole weekend. So yah, there was a bit of anticipation for the first match.

I journeyed down early, just to get more of the free buffet. I am not going to lie about it but if I can get free Eggs Benedict with a side of bacon and breakfast tortilla, it's going to happen. I laid off the bevvy for a bit, however I found myself with a bloody mary in my hand at some point.

Rumour has it that there has been a slight Scouse division, which may be a good thing because it was still (inappropriate comment) packed in the pub. There was some strange guy there that was a suppos-ed friend of Arse St. Nick's and he was a bit off the rocker. He kept trying to trade shirts with people, very odd indeed. I had to explain why I was wearing Arsenal yellow and why it wasn't a Brasil kit.

Good news! We get to keep Bayern for another week. I need to tell him that the middle east just doesn't want him. Either way, wish him well, here or there.

Yah I know this seems a bit disjointed. I have a feeling it will all come together in the end.

Anyways, I've just been offered sushi and you know who can't resist a bit of raw fish!


10 August 2010

Charity Shield (a bit late)

It's not like I really cared about it anyways. I mean it doesn't protect against dragons or anything cool like that. It's not even a real shield, just a flat plate, or so I think. I can't remember, who cares? Not I. And I'm not going to sour grapes it either.

This past weekend presented some interesting things, a warm-up for the season. Friday eve, I found myself seated in the Sidebar listening to some decent bands, along with ScouseDrummer. It was interesting to spy that the obscenely tall guitarist in one of the bands had a Leeds sticker on his guitar.

I have to admit it was a total distraction. I'd be listening to a song, bobbing my head along and then that LEEDS sticker would just pop into my view. I don't harbour any particular ill will to Leeds but I don't have any particular good will either.

Shortly, thereafter, another bloke comes strolling in the back door wearing a Chelski kit. I take note of him and his entourage and figured he was just a fly by night fan. ScouseDrummer and I gave each other a look as they walked by and both kind of chuckled. I think at one point he was daring me to go up and say something but I declined, let the boy enjoy his night, as I wasn't really in the mood for starting football trouble.

On Saturday, the Sheriff and the Deputy had a few of the locals over to celebrate pre-season/charity shield. I was thinking about just staying in but A Certain Scouser asked me for a ride up. So I swung around picked her up, we gathered some refreshments, then stopped by for Sheffield and gathered a few more refreshments.

We make it over to the wrong side of the peninsula and A Certain Scouser precedes to tell me how difficult parking is going to be, so me and infinite wisdom decided to listen. BAD MOVE. I parked my maybe 7 foot long car in a 7 1/2 foot long spot, not much room for error.

As we walked down towards the Sheriff's house, there were no less than 3 extremely large parking spots right in front. I cursed the wind and the seven seas as I walked back to my car to move it. A Certain Scouser, the whole time, assuring me that it was not like this the last time.

Anyways, the night goes on, the usual suspects arrive, Franco's Son, mentions that it's like returning back to school from summer break. I started trying to sing one of those sappy 60's surfer ballads but couldn't remember the words.

There came a time and no other glorious time in the history of being at a party when someone says, HEY what happened to the fridge magnet? Who stole it?

Everyone looks around, confused and waiting for the culprit to cough up the magnet. I hate to say that some stereotypes are hard to deny but, A Certain Scouser slowly raises her hand as she dips her head down, pulling the magnet out.


I don't think anymore needs to be said on the subject.

We all kept the jokes going for the rest of the evening and had a wonderful time, getting back into the groove, singing songs and chants at each other, vibing on one another's affiliations and just enjoying the company of like minds.

Sunday morning saw myself roll into the pub on three wheels. It was a tricycle type of morning, as a combination of the weather, red stripe and bottle of wine from the previous night had taken a toll on my sinuses.

I sat in a half daze as Sheffield, Bayern, Klank and I watched the early Sheffield United match. It was a little lopsided on the referee's part but ended in a draw. By the time the Charity Shield started, my head was in a full uproar. I felt as if I was only half there.

I watched the first half, with not much interest and sauntered my way out of the pub and off to band practice. My head still feeling like it was 10 feet wide. I never had a migraine but I think this might have qualified for one.

So what is there to look forward to? Another season of EPL, some ups, some downs, good times and bad, with hopefully a nice piece of silver for the Arsenal.


02 August 2010

Emirates Cup o' Noodles

Ahhh the first brilliant weekend of the return of some preseason club football. I have to say, in general the weekend in the city proved to be a very interesting confluence of absurdity.

To begin with, there as the anime convention, which brought out a whole lot of people carrying very large swords and wigs with spiky hair. I think Chamakh was trying to do the same thing with his excessively moussed hairdo.

Then there was the ManShitty - Inter game, which welcomed the antics of some very odd acting football supporters. There is one thing I can say about some of the Mancs that did appear around the pub.

There were no surprises... none at all.

Friday Night
I took in the atmosphere surrounding the unveiling of the ManShitty plaque in the pub. The night started off slow enough but there were good times to be had. My plan was to get there early and hang out a bit.

SlainteLOSC greeted me at the door and we sat near the front waiting for some others to show. I think he was working but you never know with him.

We were plotting on finding Materrazzi and giving him a Baltimore Welcome.

SlainteLOSC made a few phone calls, however, the cheating Italian piece of shit was up in Philadelphia. I think they realized the French Resistance was out for blood or there were too many things named after Lafayette, either way they were not in town until right before the game.

Je t'aime Zizou!

TheCleanOne showed up in his normal cheery mode with Chelski hat fondly on display. Sheffield and WestBrom popped in a few moments later and the corner was now secured. A few Mancs had wandered in from the docks; I only assume that's where they come from.

A few more of the local crew dropped in and that's about the time some of the songs started going on. I think there were some ManShitty uppity folks in suits that assisted with the unveiling but the corner didn't really seem to pay it much mind. We were all busy catching up and prattling on about whatever it is we prattle about.

After the whole ceremony, there were some pictures taken and Blue Moon was sung about 20 times. By this point, Brendan Pelan had set up his guitar and amplifiers, as it was the night he usually plays music, and at that point T-Bone and the Librarian decided to take flight.

Brendan picked up on the Shitty fans singing Blue Moon and started playing along and they started singing a bit louder. I think another couple of songs were played and in one of the breaks You Fill Up My Senses came out of the locals. Brendan also picked up on that as well.

I think he said something to the point of, "Hey I like that song." It was about 5 minutes later, he started playing the original song (Annie by John Denver) and invited us to sing You Fill Up My Senses again. I think we did about 3 times in a row before he went back into singing Annie.

Now you will not get that song out of your head. You're very welcome.

Last season the pub showed the Emirates cup. This season, the pub showed the Emirates cup. It's always nice to see some pre-season stuff, sort of puts the taste in your mouth.

When I arrived ArsenalSteve was already sitting there. He had just came back from New York. I didn't ask why, figured it was best that way. We talked a bit about the upcoming season and after a short bit a journalist with cameraman come into the pub. I thought I had seen them outside but didn't pay much mind.

I was in no mood to deal with journos at this time of the morning. They interviewed ThePantsManager and he sent them our way. I remember the journo shaking my hand and quickly declining camera time, shoving it upon ArsenalSteve. My excuse was he's much better looking than me in the morning and the reality of me actually being to shy to talk about football on camera.

I stood in the background with MySonWill pretending to have a conversation about the game on the screen. The whole time we were just making fun of the reporter and the fact that IrishDave kept flirting with her.

My understanding is there is some footage of me that made it onto the television. I still haven't seen it but wish I could find it, just to link it.

Saturday Night
The actual night of the ManShitty-Inter game. I had a show, which I do thank the gods for that. I am so glad I was unable to join in the shit show that was to be. My understanding is that later, after the game, some ManShitty scum had a few too many, jumped up and ripped down the MancScum flag from outside.

Seriously, I, myself have joked about it but find no good reason to do something like that, in a pub on Thames in Baltimore... seriously?

I know, club is important but sometimes you need to keep that and yourself in check. From what I've been told, his friends were a might bit embarrassed and put him in a cab on his way home.

Emirates cup glory once again. I got to watch a bit of O'Lyon play. I still love that team. I remember I had a chance to get a kit from a silent auction a couple years ago and flubbed on it.

MySonWill expressed his frustration about the Shitty game from the night before. He said his biological dad, who I think is from Charlton, was very annoyed at the whole game and atmosphere. That seems to be the general consensus.

While I was hoping for something along the lines of the Chelski-Milan match, for the sake of football itself, it seems that did not happen. There was less excitement, less hype and lot less to be desired.

At the end of the day, ManShitty is not a big club and Inter is a shadow of its former self and then there is the World Cup factor. It was broadcast at more or less appropriate times, so there may have just been an over-saturation of football, for a country that doesn't know how to cope with it or even begin, or want to begin, to understand the game.

Anyways, club has started to sow its seeds back into every day life. I can start breathing again. 90 minutes on a Saturday afternoon, that is the life!
