After passing my car, he gives me a dirty look and calls out, "Asshole."
I smiled and nodded so that it was really noticeable. Seriously dude, tell me something that I don't know. Do you really think calling me an asshole is going to affect me in any way? Seriously?
Ok, it gave me a good laugh, I know I am an asshole. I mean I played as a forward/striker for the last 20 years. I only know one thing to do, be an asshole. Self absorbed, moody, blame everyone else for their mistakes cause none of it can be my own fault... need I continue?
Well this weekend was a bit of an interesting one for me. I found myself out in the middling state of Wisconsin, hanging out with a friend of mine. We ended up in a place called McBob's to get a gander at the Fulham-Villa match.

It was a good deal for being out of the element. We also ended up doing the Miller brewery tour. Now those who know, are aware I do have a bad reaction to certain mass produced American brews. However, one can not resist a brewery tour, even if it is Miller time.

I will admit the samples that were given at the end of the tour were about the size of half pints. I also believe the next morning, the Miller had a bad reaction with my body the next morning but I survived.
Sunday found me on my early flight back. I wore my colours all through the airport and it is probably why I got the extra pat down by security. What do I care anyways? The gentleman running security happened to spend quite a bit of time in Brasil. So we ended up having a conversation about football, while I was being searched for whatever contraband that I was suspiciously carrying.
By the time I had landed, ACMilan had called wondering when I was going to make it down. I had no proper clue but knew I couldn't miss the beginning. MancScum, they were going to be undone.
I had dropped off my bag and grabbed my bass, as I had band practice due to some odd scheduling, which would see me miss the second half. I don't know when I had ever missed a second half, at least not a good time.
This was definitely not a good time. The Arsenal suffered a breakdown in the back which left them wanting. We had let the MancScum go up on us and it was going to be a hard climb. I couldn't believe it.
At the half I had to go to practice, dejected and saddened by the lackluster display of my club, I took the trip with my score notifier dinging off. Band practice must have taken some clues from the Arsenal that day, as it was way off the mark.
I packed up and headed back down to rejoin ACMilan, MiniMourhino and ChelskiGirl. I had to get some food inside me and enjoyed a fresh pint of Magners. A few Magners later and all the bad things that happened earlier in the day were gone.
My mates are tried and true. Cheers! Slainte! Salut!
Should we convert this to the newsletter? maybe we could discuss a meld...
If you wish, I could write something a bit less biased for the newsletter, just let me know when you need it by.
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