30 August 2010

Blackburn Away

I really don't know what's going on here anymore. I am totally underwhelmed at the prospect of the new season. I mean, yes it's here already. Yes, I've watched a few games. Yes, I have even jotted a few words in this space about it. However, it is a very strange feeling to it.

My hope is to have my finger on it some time in the near future because I don't like this strange unfeeling that I have going on right now. It is as if my football soul has taken a vacation, or worst has died.

I try and pick the specific date, maybe when France imploded, a little piece of LeChat also went on strike. I would have at least gotten a 4 game international ban. I am sure of that.

My rugby supporting cousin told me one time after he came back from basic training, "I think you would have hit the drill sergeant or at least let him know how you felt more than once. I don't think you would have made it out of basic without being recycled a few times."

I may be paraphrasing, as he did say it over a decade ago now, but I guess that about sums it up, so to speak.

This weekend, being only Saturday for me, saw the usual amount of revelry. I'mOnTV-gooner and Slainte Chef had a slab of breakfast food prepared, and by slab I mean a large 2 foot by 2 foot wooden board of food; which was a nice treat. I didn't ask questions about it. Someone called my name, I walked over, gave my blessing over the food, then we all dug in.

After the Arsenal had done what they were paid to do, a bunch of us hung around for the Chelski match. Like I said, nothing special happened. I guess I should say LilnotsoblondieGooner's dad was there. He had come up to hang out with the crew for a bit.

Honestly, I wish there was something spectacular or interesting to convey but really there wasn't. It was a normal-ish weekend. We were graced by the presence of DCManc and all her radiant beauty. It's always a bit of nice surprise when she makes it up. She was trying to convince me I should get on Twitter but I don't think it's a good forum for myself. I may be a bit too wordy at times or vague at others.

There was a singing out for lilnotsoblondiegooner, as she will be leaving us for the west coast in few weeks. It really says something when various affiliated supporters can get together and wish each other well. There's a certain, and I hate to say it, family feel to the whole pub culture that we've lent ourselves to.

Which reminds me of the conversations I have been having with a few of you lately. I love the feedback. Seriously though, feel free to post in the comments, whatever is appropriate. I do check every so often and will respond. I know that some prefer to blow up my FB page (is that what the kids say now-a-days) but there are those who do read who may not have access to my FB, please think of them as well.

Actually my blogger stats tell me there are quite a few hits that I know aren't bots. On that note as well, feel free to share. I am the worst self promoter in the world. Hopefully with the international lull, I'll be able to hit my normal scathing and acerbic style and give you a bit more to think about.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I too, have felt some strange disinterest in fUtball since the beginning of the season. I blame it on the weather. There are too many things that couldn't be enjoyed for what seemed like 10 months last winter.
It won't really feel like football, association or rugby, season to me until the weather is a little crisp.