18 October 2010

Birmingham at HOME

Suffice us to say, I just wanted to begin with that phrase. There's nothing in it, kind of like the bleating over Chamakah's penalty...there was nothing in it.


I usually don't start with my Friday revelry but I must say, the bandmates and myself found our way to Zella's (correct my spelling if needed). It's a rather nice, off the beaten path type of place in the SouthWest. The one thing I will say is definitely good, besides the lack of crappy of people, is the food. Seriously had a wonderful capri sandwich with prosciutto. I've been into eating Italian sandwiches lately, not sure why though.


The morning started off well enough. Alright, let's say my phenomenal driving abilities and a pinch of luck allowed me to drive from one side of the city to the other with only a modicum of hiccups.

Yes the ever city clogging marathon event was occurring. I had words with one of the Arsenal faithful about heading down and she was saying it was probably a no go because of that. In my brief memory, I think the Arsenal have had games on marathon day for the last couple of years. Plus I do enjoy finding new routes and testing my tetris like mind upon the nonsensical patterns of the charmed city.

In short, it took me about 10 extra minutes, because of one wrong turn down the road of hope, which resulted in deft manoeuvre that only the Transporter is capable of. A quick trip down the expressway, double back along to Broadway and getting the wave through from the police cadet. Package delivered, i.e. myself.

The pub, of course was low on people, due to the above mentioned marathon. After a certain hour, it's about gridlock, so trip planning is crucial. However, that is not to say there weren't quite a few in there. It was a variety pack of supporters.

HalfArseDean made it in and was not his usual self. I think he threw around a cup of tea, cursed out someone and possibly even ran around with his pants about his ankles. Alright none of that actually happened, well except for the tea part but he wasn't in a good mood.

I mentioned to him that my disillusionment must be rubbing off on him. His reply was something along the lines of "Nah, people are just not right." I'm paraphrasing of course but you get the gist of it.

Later on, A Certain Scouser and the LondonTiger showed up. It was good to see him as he had been doing somethings back home for a bit. Klank and MiniMo came stumbling in for the Chelski match. They were their usually lovable selves.


Well it was a different day to begin with all together. No marathon, just the good enjoyment of the Battle o'Scouse. A few of the regulars showed up, eventhough it may not have been their match, it's still a big match.

While I can't say I was wholly satisfied with the result. It was nice to give it out to the Red Scouse. I was suprised by the actual number of Toffees in the place though. They seem to be multiplying as well.

Mentioning the roaches now known as ManShitty, they had a great showing. A few new faces even unrelated to ManCity himself. I think they are doing a great job at promoting the pub, which is always welcomed. There was even a guy who from New York who had left a wedding so he could catch the game. Much props to him, whoever he was... he was scum anyway.

! YES !
I'm including a MONDAY. If you haven't heard, Shrek Rooney is a bit perturbed at old red nose. He may be walking and I wonder to where? It would be nice for him to return to Everton but I think he's going to end up overseas. Let's just see.


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