16 May 2011

37 and done!

Well I cannot leave for long. I know some people have been asking what happened to the blog. Well the answer was/is simple... I had quit. I don't remember, probably the last one, you can go back and read, if you would like.

On a more serious note, there's been a lot happening in the world. I'm not going to rehash it right now but just a simple nod at it and know that it has been addressed. I know there is place in the after for us all and that's good enough for me.

The pub has been quite a bit active lately. I must have been missing something for quite a few weeks as the attendance had been lacking. However, it's good to see a few new faces, hopefully these will stick around and learn the secret ways of the pub.

Honestly, there are no secrets.

So you all may know of my dislike for the Bistro and some of it's denizens. Well prince of the bistro who apparently enjoys the nightlife on this side of the Patapsaco decided to make a royal ass of himself, as usual.

I'm not one to launch bricks for no proper reason, but this guy is aiming to get himself done. First he goes off and yobs off after the sheriff as he happened to be walking the bar next-door. Later he tries to front up on the manager in black. History should tell you a little bit but I'm not even one to push my luck with the manager in black. He's a shady enough mid-western character to begin with and only, well nothing good comes out of Detroit.

Anyways, enough of dealing with stupidity.

Congrats to LOSC for winning something or the other. heehee

Congrats to ManYoo on winning the league... 19. And a proper nod to the ones who unfurled the banner in Anfield.

Congrats to ManShitty for being not so shitty and getting the Fuck All cup.

And a big cake to West Ham, sorry my friends. I understand there was a bit of a fracas at the end of season dinner. I don't see Ba staying there.

Well next week should see the final nails in the coffin for some. It will also be the return of the Crescendo!

Next grand plans... thinking of moving the blog, but still undecided.

We will see... we will see...


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