14 September 2011

Swansea at Home, Borussia Dortmund (CL)

So much talk, still, about the 8-2 dismantling of the Arsenal by the hands or should I say feet of the MancScum that you would think the season was over... in September. It can be like that, life, over-dramatic and unnecessarily inaccurate (double negative, I know). We tend to forget about what will happen the next week or the week after that. It's not all fatalistic.

I have a grand idea, let's keep watching until May, then decide what the story was/is going to be.

The next week has happened. It wasn't the overwhelming success that one would think for a top whatever side against a newly promoted Swansea but there is that shred of hope. Even in the darkest hour there shall be light.

I never quite understood how one can have some thing that at the time seemed so debilitating, so overwhelming, so dreadful, be the end all and be all. It may have been about 3 years ago now, during the apex of the whole mortgage foreclosure crisis in the US. A woman decided to throw herself off the topish floor of a garage downtown. It caused a bit of a mess.

Now, that is a way to go, about 10 floors of just free-fall and hitting the ground. While, I never got a full clear story about why she did it, the only thing I could think is, “what was the trigger that made her do it.” I have no idea whether she was married or had children or even elderly parents to look after. The whole thing comes off as a really selfish act, albeit, quite a dramatic one.

At the end of the day, you have to ask yourself, were the problems she had really that bad? Did the issues she have really affect her in a way that there was no other way out? Like I said, I'm not her and I couldn't have any possible way to know what was going through her mind or what pushed her over the edge in such a manner. I wonder if anyone ever helped put it all in perspective.

Perspective, I guess that is the most important thing. Keeping everything in perspective. Sure an 8-2 loss seems like the end of the world. Sure 6 seasons with no proper silverware seems like an end to an era but the reality of it is... it's not.

A few trades, Swansea and Borussia Dortmund later, there is a whole new look, a beacon at the end of a really long and dark tunnel. The only hope is that the beacon of light is not a train but actual light.

Funny thing about that analogy, I've been hiking through a tunnel when a train decided to come by. Mind you and me, not the most fun thing in the world to have happen. However, it could have been worst...much worst.


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