03 October 2011

Tottenham Away

From the looks of it, the wheels have fallen off.

All in all, amongst other things. The weekend was not half bad. I have to admit the festival was pretty nice, not a lot of big crowds and plenty of fun times. I guess at these moments of time, you have to stick with the positives.

I am really at a lost of words. I don't want to dwell on the failings because that does no one any good at the moment. I could whine and moan and grumble about sorts of things... things that have just been repeated ad nauseum.

It is a great big sigh.

So what now?

I watched the Cass Pennant movie the other day. Worth a look, if you're interested in football, ICF, and just an overall story of being black in the western world. 

OH! I did have this wonderfully big cheese steak on Saturday. Also a cat just licked my face. Then there were the pit beef sandwiches. Tasty as usual. I guess that is the best thing about the festival: the food.

I really had an inkling to get some stuff from the latin garden or whatever they were calling the upper area this year. It smelled so good plus I dig some bachata music.

I don't know. This has become a pure non-sensical ramble.


1 comment:

Muriel Cruickshank said...

I love those pit beef sandwiches.