01 April 2010

Barcelona Home (CL)

There is not much to say. I do not even care to watch the highlights. I spent my time dealing with random mess at work instead of being able to watch the game. While I understand it was not a lackluster match; it was described as a grade school team playing against the World XI.

The result, well, it was a result, justified or not. Too little too late would probably be a more accurate phrasing. Depressing, not really but it is a rather sharp deficit to overcome away from home.

Injuries... meh, to be expected. I do not want to say the season is over but so far it is not looking good. The only hope is this weekend a giant meteor comes down.. no scratch that.. A giant robot squad from outer space comes down and makes MancScum and Chelski play against them for the fate of real estate on the moon.

As you know, there is prize real estate on the moon. Rumour has it that they just installed a new bouncy castle and log flume.

So what good came out of the night? I ended up seeing Iron Cross do a little undercover session at a yet to be named warehouse. GrumpyGooner was in full form as were the rest of his mates. They are doing a trip over to Berlin and some other places I am sure. This was their dress rehearsal, so to speak, and it was good.

There hasn't been much going on. A tight race for the top 3 spots. A tight race for the UEFA spot and a small battle to avoid the drop. My hope is that this weekend brings along something pleasurable to comment on.


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