10 May 2010

Fulham at home...

The half a dozen text messages I also received let me know as well. It was mother's day! And I for one am grateful for my mother, cause if it wasn't for her I don't know if I'd be as big of a supporter of the beautiful game as I am today.

So, that's where I was, spending Sunday with my mom, my aunt and bits and pieces of the extended family. I have to mention, constantly getting score updates on the phone while attending Sunday morning services shows my level of addiction, er... dedication.

At one point, my mother looks at me and asks if someone keeps calling me. I just shook my head and said, End of season, we need a draw. My mom just nods, knowingly. That's the beauty of it.

Remember, this is the same woman who one day randomly decided to tell me Beckham is crap and why she thought he was crap.

End of Season Reflection
So, looking back at the season, what do I glean out of it. To be honest, nothing spectacular or unknown from the beginning of the season. I am still the same person, for better or worst, with a few less Warrior of God moments in the last 9 months.

The club, well they still need a decent keeper, a better/more consistent defensive mid, and a sturdy back 4 with the left and rights being fully capable overlapping the wings. Is that too much to ask for?

I keep hearing names being bandied about like bikini tops during spring break in Florida. They exist but until you actually see it being pulled off, it's a whole lot of nothing and wishful thinking. In short, I don't really care right now.

I'm totally not sure what to do. Someone suggested that I do a preview on the groups but that seems like it would be major work. I think I might just enjoy and not worry too much about the blog until EPL starts back up.

I am still flirting with the idea of keeping it up during the cup but it does take a lot of effort for no compensation. However I need to say, I do it for love of the sport, the club, the pub, just to write at times.

There is a bunch I could say, but I won't say much at all. The rumours of the sound and HD are to be fully realised prior to the WC2010 matches. That does not give them much time, let's hope they can get it done and get it done right.

Sheffield and WestBrom are to be wed, shortly prior to the start of WC2010. I hope to be able to party on the beaches of Italy alongside of them for that. I know a few of the regular crew will be there, so that should be a good time.

I believe our good friend Bayern is taking a trip back to the Middle East. He will surely be missed but I wish him safe travels. I know it's not his intention to return to this area but it would be nice if he did. Good luck good friend.

LilBlondieGooner is taking a bit of time to finish her studies and is Go(ing) West.

Everyone should at least recognize the tune, from various chants, especially the One Nil to the Arsenal.

Last and most of important of all, the loss of a great supporter is still deeply heartfelt. I don't know what to say without being cliche about the whole thing. It is great that our pub even extended a spot for us to put up the framed kit with Pretzel's name across the back. There was truly only one Nick Dauner and I think he may have had a hand in Chelski winning the league.

It also makes me remember a few years ago, a good Gooner mate of mine who also fell ill and passed away a bit too soon. There are things like that which always tugs at your heart.

We have all been united by this one thing, as MiniMourinho would say, it has nothing to do with geography, race, religion or background but the very love of a single sport. I may have it slightly off but the sentiment is there.

Here's to a good FA Cup, next week... a good World Cup, starting in June... a decent season for Crystal Palace-Baltimore!



alexbschultz said...


It was a great season with you and the rest of the slainte crew. Hopefully next season will be as fun.


JVMM said...

Well said Scoot -

See you soon for the WC - post this on the other blog if you want --