08 June 2010

Had to do it - WC 2010 preview

AHHH! I can't do it... I swore to myself I was going to leave it... let it be... not even poke my head in on the pub blog... but god be damned curiosity and bloody fucking cats!

As of late, for those of you who don't know. I did take a venture across the pond to watch Sheffield and the lovely now Ms.Sheffield (formerly WestBrom) tie the knot, jump the broom and release some doves. It was my first trip to Italy, in any way shape or form, and I have to admit it was pretty nice. It totally changed my perspective on the boot shaped nation.

Don't get me wrong though, as far as I'm concerned they are still a bunch of diving, whining, wind up merchants who compete with the Argies on how far they can bend the rules of the game. I mean seriously only an Argie could hit someone with a car and back up and tell them it was their fault for getting in the way. HI DIEGO!

So, the question on everyone's mind, probably not, what's the WC2010 looking like for LeChat? I'm figuring it's going to be something very interesting. I've been asked on two different continents and an island, my thoughts so far. I, of course, hmmm and haaa, and try and get out of those conversations rather quickly; with the exception of ACMilan who has a way of interviewing me like a Daily Mail reporter at a press event.

Summed up... I pegging a dark horse to ask some questions this year.

Hold on, that didn't come out right. Let's take a look at the groups.

A - South Africa, France, Uruguay, Mexico
First off.. I spelled Uruguay correctly the first time. To be honest, I don't see South Africa making it out of this stage. Secondly, I think, with a bit of luck Uruguay could and will make it hard for Mexico and France.
At the end of the day - Mexico and France, no clear favorite (Allez Les Bleus)

B - Argies, Nigeria, Korea, Greece
I think this is pretty much done. Two of these squads have a good history of succeeding on the international level. The other two, I'm sorry to say, have been lucky in their runs. The only thing that could really put a damper on it, would be a finding the kryptonite that works on the Argies.
At the end of the day - Argies followed by Greeks

C - England, Estados Unidos, Algeria, Slovenia
Both England and the US have had a few players go down like zeppelins. I think one of the dark horses could come out of this group. It's hard to pick which one though, while not necessarily a group of death as everyone likes to use that stupid term. It's hard to see the two English speaking squads both moving on for me.
At the end of the day - England and someone else

D - Germany, Australia, Ghana, Serbs
This is probably one of the tougher ones. Germany is missing a key player but they should be safe, to say the least. Ghana is also missing a key player. The Serbs put up a good fight during the run up to the cup but from what I understand, the wind may be gone from their sails. Australia is, well, a bit cute isn't it. *pinches Australia's cheeks*
At the end of the day - Germany and either Ghana or Serbs as a dark horse

E - Netherlands, Denmark, Japan, Cameroon
Well with Van Der Sloot about to serve a sentence, oh wait, I mean Robben out of the Cup... well to be honest, it shouldn't have too much of a lasting effect. I have to say I'm pulling for Cameroon to do what they got to do, just so Eto'o can smile. He never smiles. Well maybe once he did.
At the end of the day - DUTCH and Cameroon

Coffee Break - Now why did I actually decide to do this, type all these things... I don't know.... By the way, does anyone know where to get a good espresso downtown. Caribou Coffee is horrendous and I don't want to go into Java Joes twice a day.

F - Italy, Paraguay, New Zealand, Slovakia
Do I really need to continue the exercise with this one? Honestly? It's all about who will come in second. Italy has the easiest draw since Simon picked up chalk and the pictures came to life. I see the cheaters burning bright for the group, the 16 and quarters but feel they will not make further than that. I wasn't really paying much attention to the other three in this training ground selection.
At the end of the day - Italia and reader's choice

G - Brasil, Other Korea, Cote d'Ivoire, Portugal
When I was a wee kitten, my mom had a thing for a certain man named Pele. I should ask my mom why she didn't just runaway and take me to Brasil. Damn her and being sensible. Of course I'd probably be running with the less than legal crowd if that did happen. Anyways, enough dreaming of beautiful Rio beaches, carnival and Ronaldhino, because none of those will be in South Africa. So I have a soft spot for Brasil, it's something that relates to my youth, as opposed to those who go to the local sports store and put on the colors because it's easily recognizable and acceptable in mainstream US of A. (le sigh) My second soft spot is Cote d'Ivoire. I think they will do well despite the loss of the Drogba. Portugal will be a non-threat as they do very poorly against their South American cousins and as long as Cote d'Ivoire don't allow them to play. The only thing I'm allowed to say about Other Korea is they will win, no matter the result. I only joke about these things. They will put up a good fight but don't have the passion or creativity to deal with the other three in their group.
At the end of the day - Brasil, Cote d'Ivoire or a surprise Portugal

H - Spain, Switzerland, Honduras, Chile
I know Spain is tapped as the favorite by all the media. I think they've been in that position before... many times before. I love Spanish football, don't get me wrong but they do have this thing about choking towards the very end of the tournament. I don't know whether it's an internal thing, the longing for paella and gazpacho or something else. I think Honduras is a tough team who should do well. Switzerland and Chile could go either way, but Honduras is going to be my dark horse out of this group.
At the end of the day - Spain and Honduras

Final Whistle - I figure since World Cup has now become so cliched I might as well keep it up in the blog, no? Like I said, and probably have said once or twice, the final is going to be one of the big boys, either from Europe or South America, your choice and some one unexpected. I don't see my beloved Les Bleus making it to the final and I am hoping Domenech.. never mind I was told not to ever wish ill on someone, no matter how inept they are.

Like Eto'o said, "The question we have all the time is whether an African team is able to win the World Cup. But the real question is whether the world is ready for an African team to become champions." (guardian)

It would be nice to see Cameroon or Cote d'Ivoire take it to the final. It will finally prove that Africa, as a continent has finally, without a doubt arrived. It has to be done with style and substance though. I see both of these teams having it, on their better days.

Serbia, might just be another surprise. If they can get back up to pace, they should at least make the 8 and possibly the 4. It would also be nice to see someone like Algeria, or Uruguay make it out of the 16 as well but that's really stretching a wish.

Since, I can't keep from typing these damned things, expect some more.



Unknown said...

Oh my beloved Le Chat...You give my Azzuri more credit than most right now. Thanks for the vote of confidence. Thanks also for revealing the real reason for my failures as a footballer: my longing for paella and gazpacho. It is quite distracting.

Le Chat said...

HAHA you are very welcome :)