13 June 2010

England - US WC2010

The day started off quite good enough. HalfArseDean gave me a call about 5:30 so that we could stake claim to the regulars section. After doing all the regular morning rituals, I found myself meeting up with him, ManCity himself and The Manager in Black. Apparently MIB was still working from the night before, so it was a bit of a surprise.

It was interesting to see a few US supporters straggling in at the early hour. Actually it was more than a few, quite a bit I must say. At this point in time, the pub was beginning to look like a normal Saturday. The bar was full, a few of the regulars were spread amongst the couches, a murmured anticipation for a match to be shown and A Certain Scouser, who said she would be there... was still not there. The Librarian even called her... no answer.... typical!

Right around kick off for the first game, we had added a few Greek fans and a nice bunch of Korea supporters. They were all keen on watching the game, which was a brilliant show for the South Korean lads. It was a good mood all about.

By the end of that game, many more US supporters had come through the door. A few more of the regulars had shown, thus establishing the corner under the big screens and the couches for the late comers. It was a victory in our minds at least. This way we'd all be together.

A comment was made to me about myself and the regulars were being a bit "snooty", after I had mentioned not being fond of particular supporters. I shrugged and said "it's not really that but the attitudes of some of the newer people, especially supporters of a certain national team, is a lot less to be desired."

I was then pressed a bit to give a more elaborate answer, which I avoided. Honestly, I just like watching football with those who I know understand the game, have serious passion for the game and for the most part, live the game.

So, do we as regulars have an Us vs. Them complex at times, in short, Yes. Football is a territorial sport to begin with. In it's simplest form, it's all about controlling your territory and pushing the enemy or opponent back deep into theirs, overcoming their defensive line and putting one through past the minder.

You could use that analogy for many sports but it actually fits rather perfectly for Football and the derivatives or cousins, depending with whom you are speaking, that being American Football and Rugby.

So, I wouldn't say the regulars are "snooty" because we are a rather welcoming group. I know there were a few sitting with us who were not regulars but may have showed up for a game over the season or just met one of their friends down there once or twice. I'm sure they would have a very different take on the territorial regulars. Basically it comes down to being respectful of the game, the pub and the people, not very hard but some people can't help but to be an ass.

By the middle of the Argie - Nigeria game, the pub was beginning to meet maximum capacity. I think the fire marshal even peeked his head in for a few minutes. Our corner actually waved to him and he nodded and laughed. It was nice to see Nigeria not doing half bad and their keeper was on spot. It would have been even more beautiful to have seen them with a bit more bite in the final third.

After the game, came the long wait for the matinee match. I believe all the English regulars had shown up by this time and a few who were not but they joined us up in the front. The songs began flowing, most of it was one way traffic. However, the extreme number of US supporters did bring their couple of chants to a deafening level. I will say that was quite brilliant.

At some point in time, SlainteLOSC dragged me outside to be interviewed for some documentary that was being done by the pub. I was totally unprepared and hate being on the wrong side of the camera. I can't even actually remember what I said, besides my name and that I supported Arsenal and France and that the pub was a great place to watch the games.

It's funny. I can ramble on and on about the game and the cup and all sorts of things but put a camera in front of my face, without any prompts and being by myself. It does become rather odd for me. I think he was trying to capture my soul.

I spent a few hours trying to settle in to a good spot in the middle of the crowd, so I could see the game and be able to speak to some of the crew. It was nice that some of my mates that I had been watching football with since 2000-2001(?) season were there. Some of the original 6, three had moved away and one had a couple of kids. GrumpyGooner and myself were the only two left that show up for games on the regular now. However, Jazz was able to put the tykes in England kits and leave them with mom and Derm had some work in the area.

I remember when we all really became close after watching a couple of seasons in Canton (the pub had not opened yet and was another bar). We had found ourselves watching the Euros in Si's basement. England-France and England were up for most of the game. The texture of the game turned in a matter of moments. Mind you this was the France of Zizou and Henry, which had the capability of scoring at any given moment. I won't relive the whole show but let's just say the originals all have a healthy respect for each other and thank god for that. France won 2-1 in extra time after being 1-nil down the whole game.

So it was nice to see the lads gathered together. However, like I have been saying without saying it, the game would be tainted by some of the supporters. First instance, which happened during the Nigeria game, was one of the more annoying fans, who had been there since 630 or so, decided to walk up to Girlfriend, who just happened to be the only obvious England supporter at the pub at the time.

Girlfriend was ready for something to happen as the guy seemed a bit aggressive for no reason at all. At this time, I had returned to the table and Bayern started removing his sunglasses and watch. The guy was blabbering on about something and Girlfriend nodded his head a few times, then the guy's posture changed and he wished him luck.

However, instead of leaving it at that, the guy goes into some weird Irish accent and said a few more things before walking away. We all look at each other and were completely dumbfounded. We chuckled as the tension for a possible aggro situation died down.

A second situation came about during the match. I'm sure there were some minor ones in the middle there but nothing as egregious as this one. I was standing near the front of one of the tables and one of the random US supporters was near me, he kept bumping into me, which wasn't a big deal at all, just a bit annoying, but it was crowded so benefit of the doubt.

At one point in time, this dude, who looked like a cheap copy of Johnny from the Karate Kid, turns around and is asking about people supporting England. He then goes on to say something to the effect of "There aren't any black players on the English team." DJM and myself were like "What did you say?" in unison, none the less. I am quite glad that DJM also heard the guy, so I didn't think I was going crazy.

Fake Johnny goes on with, "Well there's Ledley King but that's it."

I am looking at him like he's gone completely nuts, I think DJM might have said there were plenty of black guys on the English team and that Fake Johnny was crazy. Fake Johnny, however, insisted on continuing and turns to ask me "Who else?"

I point up to the screen and told him, "You are blind, just look." And I kid you not, there were three black English players on the screen at the time, as if on cue. I shake my head at him and start naming them but the guy would not let the conversation go.

He started telling me something about his adopted brother who was black. I'm just looking at him, trying not to hit him and shaking my head. I let him know, under no uncertain terms that I basically did not care and to drop the conversation and watch the game. I may have said it to him about 3 or 4 times but he was testing my patience.

He asked me if I knew someone that played in Germany. I told him I didn't because I don't watch German football and could care less. Still this dude was trying to have a conversation, in which I just ended it by telling him to "fuck off and watch the game," then I removed myself as it and myself was about to go off.

I squeezed pass the Evertonian and put myself in the corner with the Originals, Sheffield and T-bone. They immediately caught wind of what was going on from the look of my face and my balled up fist. I explained the situation and one or two stated that if he keeps it up, we'd have him a bit later but just enjoy the match for now.

The most brilliant moment came when Heskey slid into Howard and giving him a bit of cleat to the chest. One of the originals started in with, "HESKEY IS A BLACK MAN" chant, to which the whole English corner joined in, as we all glared at the back of Fake Johnny's head.

I noticed shortly after Fake Johnny was outside speaking with DJM, not sure what was being said but I'm hoping he understands that just because you have an adopted black brother who plays some football, does not preclude you from being the typical idiot that you are.

I hate to say this is what I usually run into with US fans. They automatically look at me and assume I'm a US fan, like them. My only guess is because I have dark skin and speak English at least this one notion that my mother keened me into, wise woman that she is. I ran into a couple more situations, not as grand as the one with Fake Johnny, but very similar.

Some dude, and yes I'm calling all the ones that bothered me dude as it's so appropriate, stops me on my way back from the toilets. He said something about who I was supporting and then something about communists. Once again, where do these things come from? I must have gave him a strange look and told him I was Canadien and not to bother me which threw him off as he didn't know what else to say except "Fuck you." When I looked back at him he threw up his hands and said he was kidding.

Honestly, come on now, this is the way the rest of the world views the US Soccer nation, Sam's Army or whatever name they are going by at this time. It was a very poor showing. I remember another US fan grabbing me and talking to me for a brief few moments. A very nice guy, yes there were a few, actually he reminded me of ArsenalBob. I'm guessing he figured I wasn't there for the US and he asked me why I looked so angry. I told him that some of his other US supporters were in short, "a bunch of dicks." He reassured me that not all of them were like that, I nodded and we shook hands wishing each other luck and good times.

All in all, despite the minor headache of dealing with the general rabble of US supporters displaying their typical selves, it was a good time. Watching football with some of the Originals and many of the regulars. It's nice that we don't have to wait the 2 1/2 months to see some good games. Let's hope the rest of the days are equally fun, with a lot less stupidity.



IdeenBarimani said...

very well said brother.

blu girl said...

so true! i knew johnny was trouble as soon as i saw him. i love people who say they "have black friends" or whatever. they usually say the dumbest shit. he was def bumping into u on purpose. if i would've known i could've accidentally spilled my guinness on him. he was close enough at one point ;)