25 November 2010

Sporting Braga Away (CL) - Thanksgiving Issue


I wasn't going to write anything but I figured that would be unfair, not only to myself but to the greater cosmos. I mean it's one thing for me to put in half ass performance, but I'm not getting paid for it. This is more of an intellectual exercise than anything else.

Dissatisfaction seems to be an appropriate word. The sky is not really blue. The sea is polluted by a floating island of garbage. Putin is asking for help to save the tigers. The poor tigers, over hunted and decimated.

Babies are being born. The lights still come on after the storm. The roads are quite nice. Scientist are curing the incurable.

Life goes on; Win, Loss, or Draw.

In the US it is Thanksgiving evening. A day/night to be thankful for the bounty that has been given to us. However, in the US there is also an overwhelming degree of self-entitlement in the form of stupidity and ignorance as well.

I'm sure it's happening in other places, but I can only speak of things I deal with on a daily basis. So in essence, thankful for what has been given, obtained and shared; annoyed by what stands in the way of progress and human empathy.



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