15 November 2010

Wolves Away and Everton Away

It seems like I've been writing this blog forever and a day. There have been highs and there have been lows. The best part of it all is I keep giving. However, I've noticed I missed a couple of midweeks lately. I'm going to say it was fatigue. Things have just been piling up like a big old elephant after eating laxatives.

So what's the good. Two wins in the past 7 days. I can't complain about that. There's all this talk about having a fighting spirit. You lose it.. You gain it... at the end of the day it just matters about who is really up for it and who has fallen complacent.

It's a truism, when you are on top, it's easy to coast along until you have a challenger; Someone to push you to the final hurdle, someone to kick you while you're down and not just roll over and lay beside you. Without this challenge, what have you? A whole lot of nothing really, a bunch of patsys just nodding yes to everything you do, until you finally realise the new clothes are not really invisible and your jewels have been swinging in the bright sun all afternoon.

High dollar fashion does have it's risk with very little reward. Towards the end of last week we've seen the dismantling of those who might be giants by a swarm of minnows. In short, there be parity in the league. And no matter how much you sulk and complain, this is a good thing. It always has been, always will be.

I remember growing up and hearing the yabbing about this and that, OH Newcastle, OH Forest, OH LEEDS and now look where they sit. And in the case of Leeds, the bigger the star the quicker the fall.

I guess what I'm getting it is there is whole bunch of consistency with certain squads, many of them mid-table, while others fluctuate between leagues or yo-yo as they say. Those that tend to rise quickly, also tend to fall quickly. It's just a word of caution, nothing more, nothing less.

Football in itself, can be used a reflection upon real life. If you really think about it, well you can fit rectangles into square holes, if need be, but there are those days where everything is just going right. The incredible shot was stopped, the ball dished off to the backs, pumped into the mid-field that runs rampant down the wings, floating a perfect ball into the box that's latched onto and put pass an awestruck opposing number one.

I wish all days could be like that. The reality of it all is that it's more about the aforementioned fighting spirit. You have a bad week, lose the ball and the plot on numerous occasions. The press seems to be misprinting every word you say and John Terry and Ashley Cole just roasted your page 3 wife; the same one who gets the house in Nice and 25% of your future earnings in the pre-nup.

However, the game goes on. The ball is round. The game is 90 minutes.

Play to the whistle.


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